My Spot

Friday, April 07, 2006

Money, money, money, ...

I was watching the news on TV last night and they showed again the prices of stocks and shares (or whatever those things on the stock-market are called). While watching this I started to think about money. Or better, about having lots of it. This can sometimes come in quite handy. On the other hand, it's actually a curse of a special kind. Having lots of money means getting a lot of attention from media and also being a target of robbers. It means that you have enemies, who envy you your fortune, as well. And if you get on their nerves too much they could even have you killed... Which can also happen quite naturally, too, if you suddenly lose all your money and drop dead of a heart-attack caused by shock.
And if they find your corpse in a million-dollar mansion or in a small cheap appartment, it makes no difference - you end up pushing up daisies one way or the other.
So, I think it's better to have money in moderate sums and live a long, happy and above all risk-free life than to die too soon because you have too many printed pieces of paper in the bank, which just happen to have some value in today's society.


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