My Spot

Monday, February 20, 2012

There's more than one way to see...

To find out what's in the jar you can look through the glass, you can open the lid and look inside, or you can use your fingers to "see" the contents written in Braille.

I can read Braille with both my right and my left hand, so it doesn't matter which one I use to feel the embossed letters. Reading Braille with both hands is easier, since it helps you find the next line in the text, but using both hands is not necessary. You can read just as well with just one hand or just one finger. However, being able to recognize Braille with both hands sure is practical.

I've labelled everything in the kitchen with Braille, and I now use the labels to find what I want. I'm also making labels for other things around the apartment.


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