My Spot

Sunday, October 04, 2015

Buff Dryer

Buff Dryer

My quick solution to hang out two Buffs to dry :-)

Here's how you can make your small "air dryer":
1. Take two Bulldog clips and clip them to the blinds. (If you don't have blinds, the window frame works just as well - either the top frame or the sides.)

2. Tie a string between the two Bulldog clips. Use the holes in the handles of the clips to loop the string through and tie it with a knot.

3. Hang out your Buffs to dry :-)

And here's a little tip: If you clipped your line to the blinds, you can just pull the blinds up and the Buffs won't get in the way of light in the room :-)

Be careful! This is no heavy duty laundry drier! It can only be used to dry small, light things, not heavy clothing items!


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