My Spot

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Bored silly

Have you ever been bored silly? I mean, really really bored? And no matter how hard you tried to do something about it, nothing worked? Well, I'm having one of those times at the moment. Nothing to do... Although there's a million things waiting for me to start working on them: the appartment needs to be redecorated, the plastic garden furniture has to be cleaned, the hedge needs trimming, I have to mow the lawn before the grass gets too big for my lawn-mower, the car needs a thorough washing and (in the studying department) I have to brush up my German for an upcoming exam.

And yet ... I'm bored. I can't seem to get around to doing any of those things. I just sit around the house, sleep, watch TV or waste time on the Internet. I'm really starting to get on my nerves!

And yet ... I can do nothing about it, except wait for this "bored-silly phase" to pass. Actually, I guess the proper name for this phase would be a "post-getting-your-degree phase". All the action around getting my degree is now gone and I suppose it's like quitting drugs cold turkey: the rush is gone and this gets you down. Well, I've been told that the best cure to my apathy and not-being-able-to-do-anythingness is Snoopy's way: SLEEP and CHILL OUT!! I intend to stick to that (I really have no other choice, do I?) and hope that this magical cure will work!


  • At April 23, 2007 1:41 AM, Blogger Sid Soni said…

    Am going through a similar phase. Bored really. But perhaps for other reasons.

    Even chilling out doesn't seem a great option. Bored of that too.

  • At April 26, 2007 4:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I find that a change of scenery can often help. Can you go for a short holiday - say a weekend? Or failing that, perhaps a long drive somewhere?

  • At April 27, 2007 2:02 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Well, I starrt work on May 3rd - so, a change of scenery is coming! :-)


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