My Spot

Friday, January 16, 2009

Winter morning

Originally uploaded by Cobra_11
When I got up this morning, I went to look out of the window... and this lovely scene was waiting for me. I grabbed my camera, opened the window and made some shots. I also wanted to get some shots of birds, but none of them would show up (they were obviously smarter than me and didn't fly around in the cold). So, I stood by the open window, still in my pyjamas, at almost 10 degrees below zero, freezing to death - naturally, I had to be there just in case some splendid bird would come flying around. I didn't want to lose a potentially great opportunity for taking a photo just because I had to get dressed! But the freezing eventually payed off! I managed to make a photo of a crow in flight (the photo is already on my Flickr site)! Sometimes, it pays off to "suffer" a bit ;-)


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