My Spot

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Braille shopping list

Braille shopping list by Cobra_11
Braille shopping list, a photo by Cobra_11 on Flickr.

I'm absolutely terrible when it comes to shopping for groceries. I always seem to forget something. Shopping lists are therefore a must for me. So, just before I head out to the shop, I always double-check if I put everything I need on the list. Today, I spent quite some time checking what I need to get. I used the Braille labels I've made for everything in the kitchen to check which things are running out and what I need to buy. Then, I sat down and carefully wrote my shopping list in Braille. Things do take a little longer when you can't see, but you get such a sense of achievement when you discover that you can make your way around just by seeing with your hands.


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