The Unknown Deck
This is a deck of cards I bought some years ago. It's been lying around the appartment for years. Initially, I bought these cards because they were so different - unlike any cards I had seen before. Eventually, I put the deck away and forgot all about it. Recently, I re-discovered it and I started studying them. However, I have no idea how to play the game with this deck! All I know is the name of the game in Slovene: "briškula" (brishkula). On the box there are 2 more names: "triestine" and "triplex". The game is very popular in Italy and Istria. Perhaps it's played somewhere else, too? :-)
Well, I would love to learn to play it, so if any of you out there know the rules, you're welcome to comment this post and explain the game! I will be very grateful! :-)
The photo is also posted on my Flickr page.
At July 27, 2008 9:38 AM,
uf said…
LOL, si kupila karte in ne znas igrat briškole? Hihi.
(rece se briškola ali briškula, odvisno koga vprasas - po italijansko pa briscola)
Tu imas pravila:
Aja "triestine" je verzija kart s takimi slikami, kot jih imas ti, potem pa je se en kup regionalnih verzij, pri katerih s karte vedno iste, ampak slike drugacne.
Ko se ti pojavijo dodatna specificna vprasanje glede igre pa sporoci :)
Btw s temi kartami se igra tudi tršet oz. tresette in škopa oz. scopa.
At July 27, 2008 10:09 AM,
Anonymous said…
Najlepša hvala za link in za opis. "Briškula" je pa pisalo na nalepki na škatli :-)
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