My Spot

Saturday, June 09, 2007

Lookout torn down

I decided to write an update on my animals - my birds, to be more precise. There has been a violent invasion on their territory a couple of days ago. Let me explain.
There used to be a small and very old house accross the street from where I live. An old lady used to live there. However, the house had been uninhabited for quite a while now, since the lady had moved in with her children. So, the man that inherited the house decided that the house must be deleted from the face of the earth. A couple of days ago he brought in bulldozers and trucks and the house was gone in a matter of a couple of hours.
There was more to this house than just living in it. This house used to be a lookout for my birds. The magpies, the crows and all my doves used to come and sit on the roof every morning, greeting me loudly. The pigeon-couple used it as their bathroom, because they would sit there, arranging and rearranging their feathers dilligently. Now that the house is gone, I have a great view, but I can't observe the bird-rituals any more... The birds are not too appy about it either. While the house was being demolished, they were flying around, crying (you could actually hear the sad tone in their voices). Well, the good thing about this is that now all of these birds come and sit in our tree in the back yard - even closer for me to observe them. So, I guess I can conclude that something good has come out of this, too!


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