My Spot

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Oh, the blessed ignorance!

Last night, when I was watching the news on TV, there was a piece about the world's most important of the unimportant things at the moment, football (or soccer, as some of you know it). The journalist was explaining how this whole football-fever didn't touch the USA. To prove that, there was a live statement, given by a New Yorker: "No, I don't really care about the football world cup. I don't even know where half of these countries are!" (By "these countries" he meant the participants of the world-cup.)

Now, this was uttered by a man of 30-something in a fancy suit, who wanted to give the impression of an intelectual. The sentence was said in such a way as if he was proud not to know the location of the countries; as if he wanted to prove that all of the countries participating at the event didn't matter or didn't even exist; as if the States were the only country on Earth and the rest of the world simply didn't exist! But the only impression he left on me was one of an incredibly uneducated, tremendously ignorant and just plain old dumb guy who has never even seen a map in his entire life, let alone actually read the names of the countries on one! And I bet that when he gets married (assuming that he'll actually find a bride) he'll promise his wife a honeymoon in Venice or Paris or some other exotic place like that.

Hmmmm, I hope he doesn't get lost in this beautiful world he "proudly" ignores!


  • At June 12, 2006 12:06 AM, Blogger Mayhem said…

    I agree with you completely but... there is an alternative view on this and I'll try to put it in words...

    Many people could be labeled ignorant. Let's take a look at the suit-guy. What do we know about him except that he wears a suit to work and doesn't know much about geography? Nothing much! Perhaps this guy is completely happy with not knowing where those countries are? And let's be honest. Would his life be any better, if he knew? Probably not.


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