Inspired by Stargate SG-1
While watching Stargate SG-1 I became interested in the glyphs they have on the gate or on Goa'uld walls. As usual, it didn't remain just at that. I started searching the Internet and ended up learning abour Egyptian hieroglyphs. Among other highly interesting and extremely educational sites I found this interesting Egyptian Name Translator . So, if you want to know how your name would be written thousands of years ago on a wall of an Egyptian pyramid, click the link mentioned above and see for yourself. Have fun!
Yours sincerely (Wolf - in Egyptian glyphs)
At May 25, 2006 11:41 PM, Mayhem said…
Zanimivo.. me pa še vedno zanima po kakšnem ključu se to prevede. Težko verjamem, da so imeli egipčani za vsak naš glas ustrezen hieroglif...
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