My Spot

Friday, May 19, 2006

For crying out loud...

I was watching The Eurovision Song Contest on TV last night and I was completely disappointed! Not only that - I was horrified! The ways people want to win these days are absolutely pathetic!

This competition used to be about songs - voices, melodies, instruments. Many songs first sang here beacme evergreens. Dana's song "All kinds of everything" is one such example; Abba is another; and I could go on and on. Even I know (and like!) these songs, although I wasn't born when they won the Eurovision. We can still hear them on the radio today.

But unfortunately those good old days are over. Nowadays just about anybody can appear on that famous stage - all one has to do is to be a big enough clown or Barbie doll! The point of the Eurovision is lost. It's not about songs anymore; it's just one big Mardi Gras of screaming specimens! I don't remember any of the songs from yesterday with the exception of two: Ireland (because it was the 1000th song of Eurovision and I must say it was also a very nice song - probably the only one that really deserved to be on this competition) and Finland (just because they had a rather memorable set of "monsters" performing on the stage). The rest was nothing but a mascarade of 20-something creatures, many of which completely missed the point and put on stage something that wasn't even typical of their own country (which, I always thought, was the bottom line of all this!).

I wonder how many of these songs will still be played on the radio in twenty or thirty year time...


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