A Complaint-Free World
A complaint free world! Who wouldn't want to live in a world, where nobody would ever utter another complaint again? I know I would (like to live in one, that is)! A couple of days ago I happened to watch the Oprah show and there was this inspiring piece on a complaint-free world.
Somewhere in the States a minister decided to start an amazing campaign: to spread the idea of A COMPLAINT-FREE WORLD. He went about it in a most ingenious way - he gave people something to do. Let me explain. He decided to give out violet bracelets (you know, those rubber bands with various inscriptions on them) with "A Complaint Free World" written on them. His idea was that a person should wear the bracelet on one hand for 21 days in a row. But each time that person made a complaint, he or she would have to switch the bracelet from one hand to the other. (I'm sure that meant a full working day for some people.) Pretty cool, ha? So, in order to do that, the minister started giving away free bracelets. So far his parishioners have sent a couple of millions of these bracelets all over the world!
Not that I'm a big complaining type myself, but after seeing the show I decided to get one, too! You know, to help spread the idea. In fact, I've ordered a couple of them - I intend to give them to my family members and to some friends, too - I just hope that the rubber bands won't get torn too quickly! ;-)
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