My Spot

Saturday, October 06, 2007


Among my latest posts was one about strange clouds. At the time I didn't know what they were called or how they were formed. Well, earlier today I found out both. The strange lines are called chemtrails and, apparently they are not clouds at all! In fact, nobody is quite sure what they are or how they are formed. Presumably they are (as their name already suggests) trails of chemicals that jetplanes and other big passenger planes leave behind. Various studies have proven that there are high levels of dangerous chemicals in these "sky-patterns" and the otherwise beautifully-looking lines are a health threat. Theories about their existance vary, however. Some say that they are a form of chemical weapon. Others have even gone so far as to suggest that they are means of thought-control.
Whether you believe all this or not, if you happen to be lucky enough (although I don't know if "lucky" is the word to use here) to be under one of these strange shapes, I say that you do observe it. The lines can "hang around" for several hours, forming strange and interesting patterns or shapes, and they can change colour to pink or pinkishly-orange over time. Take a photo or two - you can use it as an interesting computer background or post it on your blog like I did. And, trust me, I was under this pattern for a whole afternoon and I'm still very much alive and kicking! :-)


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