My Spot

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Paper Santa

This year, our house will be decorated with these little fellows: paper Santas. If you want to learn how to make these paper decorations, click the photo - the instructions are on my Flickr page. They are especially fun for kids to make. You'll have great fun making them and they are a unique way to decorate your house for Christmas :-)

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Flickr 365-day Project Finished :-)

I finished my Flickr 365-day project "A Wisdom A Day". Somewhere along the line I messed up and as a result my year gained another three days ;-) Still, this morning I posted my last wisdom in the series. What a sense of achievement! :-)

Monday, November 23, 2009


Originally uploaded by Cobra_11
I've been making Bionicle figures again, but this time I decided to do something different. I didn't build a typical Bionicle creature, but I decided on another life-form: robots. So, meet Manny :-)

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Football Match: Slovenia : Russia 1 : 0!!!! We're going to South Africa!!!

You / Du / Sen / Tú / εσύ / あなた / أنت / Ju / Sinä / Tu / אתה / ön / þú / आप / Wewe / Chi

Originally uploaded by Cobra_11
Kind of my motto :-)

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Mum's Knitting Corner

Mum's Knitting Corner
Originally uploaded by Cobra_11
Cold winter evenings can be so cosy and warm if you spend them curled up on a sofa, doing something you really like :-) My mum likes knitting and she often leaves her work lying on the sofa while she gets a cup of hot tea or something. This time, I took a photo of her work in progress :-)

Sunday, November 01, 2009

It's My Birthday! :-)

It's My Birthday! :-)
Originally uploaded by Cobra_11
I'm one year older :-)