My Spot

Monday, August 22, 2011

Waffles, waffles, waffles...

Waffles, waffles, waffles... by Cobra_11
Waffles, waffles, waffles..., a photo by Cobra_11 on Flickr.

Despite the terrible heat we've been having for the past couple of days (35°C and more), I decided to heat up the waffle-maker. After about half an hour of hard labour, the waffles were ready. I like to pour some maple syrup on them, but since I didn't have it at home then, I just tore up a few waffles and made some heart-sandwiches with chocolate cream. Delicious! :-)

Gentle Beauty

Gentle Beauty by Cobra_11
Gentle Beauty, a photo by Cobra_11 on Flickr.

My Mum found this wonderful butterfly in our balcony. The little fellow was quite prepared to sit on my Mum's hand while I took some photos. You can get the idea about the butterfly's size if you compare it to the fingers of a grownup in the background (the span of its wings was about 6 cm / 3 inches).

I think this is a small pearl-bordered fritillary (Boloria selene).

Monday, August 15, 2011

The Bat That Made It on to the Net

Sometimes, when taking photos, you get lucky and you get a little jewel into the frame. The other day I was shooting the pink evening sky and all of a sudden a bat flew into my photo! What a lovely accidental catch :-)