My New Project: Growing Petunias
The other day I ordered some seed tablets (= seeds packed in tiny balls of gelatin) from a catalogue. They have finally arrived. However, when I checked the seed bag for planting instructions, there was a little picture of a container with a lid - the seed tablets should be started in one of those little greenhouse boxes with tiny containers and a clear lid. Since I don't have such a box at home and since I've always preferred a DIY approach to everything and come up with my own solutions, I've decided to come up with my own solution for a window-sill greenhouse, as well. I looked around the house and found an empty egg carton in the kitchen. Perfect! So, here's how I did it:
1) Cut the lid off the egg carton.
2) Turn the lid around so that it becomes a little container.
3) Line the lid with some plastic wrap that you probably have in your kitchen. If you don't have plastic wrap, you could also use a clean plastic bag for this. Just make sure that you leave a generous piece of plastic hanging from one side of the lid - this will become your greenhouse cover.
3) On a flat surface (like a tray), line a piece of tin foil. I used a large sheet of tin foil, folded in half to make it sturdier.
4) Put the egg carton box (the one with the egg compartments) on the tin foil and wrap the tin foil around the sides of the box.
5) Put the tin-foil-wrapped box into the plastic-wrap-lined lid. The plastic wrap and the tin foil should prevent the box from dissolving completely - the box is made of carton after all.
6) Fill the egg compartments with soil and plant your seeds in.
7) Water carefully. Just sprinkle some water over the egg compartments.
8) Fold the remaining plastic wrap over the box.
9) Place onto a sunny window sill and water as needed.
10) Watch the plants grow :-)
I've never done anything like this before, so I hope it works. Later, when the seedlings will grow, I intend to plant them in bigger containers and keep them on my window sills.
I hope I can post another photo soon, showing some success with my seedlings! :-)