My Spot

Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Originally uploaded by Cobra_11
Here's a little smiley purse that my mum made recently. It always makes me smile :-)

Friday, April 24, 2009

Rainy days...

Originally uploaded by Cobra_11
We've had some rainy days lately, so nothing much has been happening. I've been very busy recently, working on my studies and I had a lot going on just generally ... Nevertheless, I have to keep up my blog posts :-)

So, here's a nice and colourful shot for the rainy days that are coming :-)

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter! :-)
Originally uploaded by Cobra_11
It's Easter! I wish you all a lovely day, full of Easter eggs. I hope that Easter Bunny left you a garden full of chocolate Easter eggs ;-) Enjoy the day and eat as much goodies as you can - after all, Easter only comes once a year ;-)

Here's a photo for the day: these daffodils are blooming in our garden every year around Easter time :-)

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Dandelion salad with potatoes

I had this for lunch as well as for dinner today. It was absolutely delicious!! Here's how you can make your own dandelion salad:

1. Pick enough dandelion leaves to make a salad.

2. Cook the potatoes with their skin still on - this helps preserve the taste.
While the potatoes cook, clean the dandelion and wash it thoroughly. Put the clean dandelion into a bowl, where you will mix the salad.

3. Peel the potatoes and cut them into slices on top of the dandelion. Do not mix yet.

4. Pour vinegar and oil over the whole thing and add some salt. Mix thoroughly. Be quite generous with the oil and the vinegar, because the potato will absorb a lot of it. Do not use olive oil, because the taste of the dandelion will be ruined.

5. You can also hard-boil some eggs and serve them with the dish, or you can use the hard-boiled eggs instead of the potatoes to make the salad.

6. Enjoy the bowl of spring vitamins and minerals!! :-)

Sunday, April 05, 2009

Sunny Day

Golden glow
Originally uploaded by Cobra_11
We had great warm and sunny weather yesterday. It looks like it's going to be a great day today, too! I'll be spending it in the garden, reading and making photos :-)

Here's a photo that I took yesterday: the golden glow of the forsythia bush :-)